Thursday, July 5, 2012

{Where I am right now...4weeks & 1day out}

Well, It's been 4weeks and 1day since the birth of our little Angel. Every second, every hour is a struggle. I never imagined the amount of emotions one could feel within such a short amount of time. These last 4 weeks have been, at times, filled with "What if's..".  What if we didn't take the extra 20 minutes to grab our Hospital bags that day? What if we could have walked a little quicker into the Hospital? What if my last Doctor's appointment could have been one day earlier? Would then, my baby be here with me? These questions go through my mind at least a hundred times a day. I have to constantly remind myself that- No, Clutch wouldn't be here. This is God's plan, not mine. I have had to let go of -my- wants and -my- needs to allow myself to accept God's plan for me. I feel like my entire life I have tried to write my own story, it's only now that I realize that I am not the author of my life. Of course if it were up to me I would have my child here in my arms, but I know Heavenly Father has a much different plan and sacrificing the time I would spend here on Earth with Clutch will become the greatest blessing I will ever know in the next life. I have become obsessed with the little things that remind me of my beautiful son. His pictures, his birthstone that I wear on my right ring finger, my Husband's dog-tag's with Clutch's name, the tree we planted, the baseballs with his name and hand print, my Hospital bracelet, my C-section scar... next to feeling his spirit near to me, all these things remind me daily that he exists, that I am his Mother. Tomorrow marks one month since his birth. I have noticed so many tender mercies in my healing physically from birth and so many spiritual blessings in my life, for this I am so grateful. I can't thank my Heavenly Father enough for blessing us with this sweet little boy.


  1. You are truly an inspiration. I might be your big sister but in the last 4 weeks you have taught me so much about {life}...the true meaning and why we are here. Words cant even begin to express how much I love you, Chaisson and Clutch. I feel so blessed to be a part of your lives and have the opportunity to be Clutch's aunt. You make me smile, cry, laugh, think and have hope but most of all you make me want to be a better person. I look up to you and hope someday I might be able to half as good a person as you are...Love you tons xoxo

  2. Kylee-

    Thank you for sharing your story. My heart breaks for you and Chaisson. I just wanted you to know how much I admire your strength and courage. You are truly an amazing woman.


  3. You are awesome! Keep those reminders close to you as they will always be dear to your heart. Stay close to Heavenly Father so you will always feel baby Clutch near you! You have such a strong testimony and you are an inspiration to all of us! Thanks for sharing your story.

  4. Kylee you are amazing!!! I can not even begin to imagine what you must be feeling every day without your baby...your attitude towards everything is such an example to every one. I am always thinking of you. I love you!! And clutch is one lucky little boy to have u for a mom for eternity!!
